Welcome to SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church Web Site.
We open our doors and hearts to all who want to share a commitment to God in dynamic Orthodox Christian Faith through worship, fellowship, stewardship, and spiritual growth.
Throughout each year we have a very active liturgical life where clergy and laity join together in praising and worshiping Christ, experiencing the life of God's Kingdom here and now. We celebrate a complete Great Lent, Paschal, Nativity, and Theophany cycles; Major and Minor Feasts, Baptisms, Chrismations, Weddings, Anniversary and Healing Prayer services, Blessing of houses, Soul Saturdays, Funerals, Panikhidas (memorial services), Blessing of the Cemetery and of the graves. Responses to all services are beautifully sung by our choir and congregation.
In addition to Fr. Alexey, Fr. Timothy, and Choir Director Matushka Tatiana Khalimonov, our parish family clergy consists of Deacons Mark Bohush & Stephan Karlgut, and Subdeacons Michael Pylypciw, Stavros (Lever), Ilya Arnopolskiy, Andrew Bohush, and Luke Pylypciw.
Active organizations and ministries in the parish are: Sunday School, Choir, Adult Study Group, Film Festival and Discussion Forum, RBO, Senior R Club, Ministry to shut ins and sick, Outreach and Charity Committee, Social life and Sports Committee, and Fund raising Committee. Altar boys ranging from 6 to 18 years of age assist the pastors with all the services. A Parish Council of 11 members is elected yearly to assist in administration and maintenance of all church property.
Our parish has an active educational - program for children, teens, and adults as well as excellent opportunities for fellowship and socialization.
We have a yearly parish picnic, Sunday School baseball outings and picnic, bus trips sponsored by the parish, Fun and Games Night, as well as many other activities throughout the year.
Christ commanded us to "love one another as He has loved us first". We strive to live this commandment in our daily lives as a parish family and welcome you to join us.
Thank you for visiting our parish Web Site!